Check a few of our projects in the Digital Transformation journey
Throughout the years Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores has implemented several digital transformation projects aligned with the Industry 4.0.
We believe that the digital technologies are support tools that can aggregate unique value by transforming data into smart solutions that provide increased process agility, improved operation efficiency and added value delivery to our customers.
By using digital resources, we provide the refiners with automated support and real time access to relevant information by means of our digital platforms. Besides, we have process simulators and advanced statistics for several technical services activities and we are progressively incorporating other tools aligned with the Industry 4.0, such as Big Data and Machine Learning aiming at the smart use of the huge volume and FCC units operational database history for the quality improvement of their data banks.
Check a few of our projects in the Digital Transformation journey:
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
IIoT strategies are used for connecting autonomous devices to industrial applications, making viable the real time access to several cloud data and rendering possible remote monitoring.
IIoT Strategies in our customers’ Stock Management
More than 20 years ago we launched the Total Catalyst Management (TCM), an IIoT technological solution provided exclusively by FCC S.A. to the petroleum oil cracking catalysts market that renders possible the real time monitoring of the refineries catalyst silos level.
The TCM main goal is to make the catalyst logistically transparent to the client and secure the compliance of the refineries stock levels to their real needs. The information transmission is performed by means of a sensor installed in each silo, the data being transmitted directly from the refinery PI to FCC S.A. via Internet. The system has a specific software, accessible to the refiners via digital platform, in which they can visualize the level information, create customized charts, calculate the unit catalyst consumption and program alarms.
We are implementing a new solar energy transmitters line aiming at reducing the environmental impacts associated with our products and services and the delivery of innovative and sustainable solutions to our customers.
At present TCM is made available to all the customers refineries with stock management by FCC S.A. by means of an automatic consumption reading device and a continuous make-up program.
Process Simulators
Utilizamos la simulación de procesos en diversas actividades de soporte técnico a los refinadores y en la optimización de nuestros procesos internos.
For the catalyst reformulation studies, we employ a proprietary simulation software based on kinetic and thermodynamic models for predicting the FCCU yield profile for each selected catalyst formulation, and then determine the most suitable catalyst system for each customer considering his goals and operating restrictions.
Use of simulators in the Technical Services activities
We also widely employ a process simulation software that works as a digital twin of the cracking unit. This tool enables us to assess the unit operation and provide guidance for the optimization of its performance, besides aiding us in predicting the effects of changes in the catalyst formulation (and further independent variables) under the unit operating conditions, securing our customers the continuous delivery of the best product.
Our technical service team aids in the treatment and consolidation of the FCC units databank aiming at improving its quality and render it accessible and useful to the Industry 4.0 digital solutions.
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